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Specialty Tax Advisory Services

Are you a tax preparer or business looking for advisory services? Our boutique specialty tax firm has you covered. Explore the services we offer and contact us to get started.

Energy Efficient Tax Incentive

Building owners, architects, and engineers that go green can save green with the 179D tax deduction.

Cost Segregation Study

Real estate investors can increase depreciation deductions, reduce income tax liabilities, and maximize cash flow.

U.S. Export Tax Incentive

Export companies can take advantage of IC-DISC, which provides certain tax incentives for U.S.-based exporters.

R&D Tax Credit

Companies can get a tax credit for developing lighter, faster, more durable, less expensive, more reliable, or more precise products.

Tangible Property Regulations

Property owners can expense some of their building-related expenditures, such as supplies or repairs, to reduce taxable income.

Finding Savings

Tap into our expertise to find out how you, or the clients you serve, can take advantage of these and other tax deductions and credits.