Unlocking the Benefits of Cost Segregation for Public Storage Facility Owners

As the owner of a public storage facility, you're always looking for ways to maximize your return on investment (ROI) and improve your bottom line. One often-overlooked strategy that can help you achieve these goals is cost segregation. By conducting a cost segregation study, you can accelerate the depreciation of your property, resulting in significant tax savings and increased cash flow. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of cost segregation for public storage facility owners and discuss the potential ROI of such a study.

What is Cost Segregation?

Cost segregation is a strategic tax planning tool that allows property owners to accelerate the depreciation of their assets by identifying and reclassifying personal property and land improvements. This process separates these assets from the building itself, which is typically depreciated over a longer period. By accelerating depreciation, you can reduce your taxable income and increase your cash flow, resulting in significant tax savings.

Benefits of Cost Segregation for Public Storage Facility Owners

Increased Cash Flow: By accelerating the depreciation of your property, you can reduce your tax liability and increase your cash flow. This additional cash can be used to reinvest in your business, pay down debt, or fund other projects.

Improved ROI: The tax savings generated by a cost segregation study can significantly improve your return on investment. By reducing your tax liability, you can increase your net operating income and, in turn, your property's value.

Flexibility: A cost segregation study can be performed on both newly acquired and existing properties. This means that even if you've owned your public storage facility for several years, you can still benefit from a cost segregation study.

Compliance: Cost segregation studies are fully compliant with IRS guidelines and are supported by numerous court cases. This means that you can confidently pursue this tax-saving strategy without fear of an audit or other issues.

Potential ROI of a Cost Segregation Study

The potential ROI of a cost segregation study for public storage facility owners can be substantial. While the exact amount of tax savings will depend on factors such as the size of your facility and its cost basis, many property owners see a return on investment of 10 to 1 or higher. In other words, for every dollar spent on a cost segregation study, you can expect to save $10 or more in taxes.

When should the study be performed?

The best time to perform a cost segregation study for a public storage facility is when the property is newly constructed, purchased, or renovated. By conducting the study in the year of acquisition or construction, you can maximize your tax savings and improve your ROI. However, if you missed this opportunity, you could still benefit from a cost segregation study, as it can be performed at any time.


Cost segregation is a powerful tax-saving strategy that can provide significant benefits for public storage facility owners. By accelerating the depreciation of your property, you can increase your cash flow, improve your ROI, and maintain compliance with IRS guidelines. If you're looking for a way to maximize your investment and improve your bottom line, consider investing in a cost segregation study.

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Start by scheduling a meeting for a free consultation. Let’s talk about the specialty tax programs that can equate to significant savings.